Bird Control Specialists


Questions You Should Ask Before You Hire a Bird Control Specialist

Problem pest birds usually require professional solutions. One question that is commonly asked of us is how one should go about hiring specialist in bird control and pest bird management. The answer is that bird control is a very different kind of situation than pest control and you should hire a firm that has extensive experience dealing with bird problems. Below are a list of questions that can be of some assistance when looking to hire a Bird Control Specialist. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.

  • What tools and equipment do you have for doing bird work?
  • How do you handle health and safety issues during clean up?
  • How will you adapt and conform to our safety protocols?
  • Do you use lethal bait?
  • Do you have a dedicated team and will they work at night to minimize disruption of our business activities?
  • How do you handle non-target species?
  • Are you OSHA certified to work on a lift higher than 25 feet?
  • Is my pest bird a protected species?
  • What steps do you take to comply with applicable law and the Federal Endangered Species Act?
  • Do I need a permit for this work?
  • If so will you help me secure it?