Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do you get bed bugs?

Bed bugs are most commonly brought into the home when furniture or clothes are brought in. If you've recently stayed in a hotel, motel, dorm, or other public places, specifically more downtrodden environments, you're more likely to encounter bed bugs.

What is a bed bug?

Bed bugs that are commonly found in Ontario are identified as small, biting insects with a round shape and simplified body. Bed bugs don't fly, and therefore utilize clothing, furniture or small crevices to find new environments. Adult bedbugs can also be identified by their brown colour as well as being under 5 mm long. Bed bug eggs can also be identified as white, tear shaped, the size of a pinhead, and in clusters of 10-50.

Is this a bed bug?

If the insect you are examining looks like a small brown bug, smaller than a penny, without wings, you might have found a bedbug. It is also common to find them slightly bigger, and a dark shade of red, shortly after feeding.

Is this a bed bug bite?

Residents that are concerned they've been bitten by a bed bug can identify the bite as closely resembling other insect bites, such as a mosquito, or varying skin conditions, including four types of skin rashes. If your skin has localized red and itchy lesions or bumps, in groups of three, small raised swellings, sometimes large and raised red welts, or for people with particularly high sensitivity, a lump filled with blood or fluid.

What do beg bugs feed on?

Bed bugs feed off mostly human blood, although they won't hesitate to bite birds, bats or other mammals. They will most likely attempt to feed anywhere on the body, especially exposed areas. These bed bugs can survive up to six months after a single meal.

How do I know if I have bed bugs?

There are a few common signs that you may have contracted bedbugs into your home; itchy welts on your body, especially after sleep, if you notice dark red or brown spots on your mattresses, sheets or walls of your bedroom.

What do bed bugs look like?

Much like any insect, a bed bug is a small, round, brown-red creature that has no wings, and is usually less than 5 mm long.

How can I prevent bed bugs?

Contrary to the popular belief that only dirty or untidy areas can be susceptible to bed bugs, even the cleanest homes. In order to prevent bed bugs, a few simple tips can be used; keeping a tidy space with very little clutter reduces the areas bed bugs try to make their home in, inspecting any new piece of furniture or clothing before bringing it into your home, make it a routine to inspect for any sign of bed bugs, inspect places you stay at when travelling, and keep a close eye on any luggage you bring when you leave your home.