NIMBY Airport Bird Control:
We know that no two airports are exactly alike in regard to their bird control problems. Each airfield is attractive to birds for a different variety of reasons, and the reasons vary with the species of birds involved and the time of year. Birds can be attracted to airports for food (e.g., earthworms, grasshoppers, and seeds), water, and shelter; and because the airports provide suitable nesting habitat or woods for overnight roosting. Each species of bird has its own behaviours, habitat preferences, preferred foods, loafing and roosting habits, flocking tendencies, and times of seasonal occurrence.
In addition to the above, certain features that are nearby or even at some distance from airfields can create different bird hazards to aircraft safety at each airport. For example, flightlines of birds between a nighttime roosting area and a daytime feeding area such as a landfill, can create serious hazards if the airport lies between these areas. Nevertheless, there are some characteristics and requirements of bird control that are common to most airports.