The sawtoothed grain beetle has a brown body that is approximately 3 mm long. It is flattened and slender in shape. they are easily identified by the "saw" shaped protrusions just below its head on its thorax (see image to the left). As you might have guessed, this is where the sawtoothed grain beetle's name is derived. These beetles prosper in an environment with temperatures between 17 and 37 C. A female can lay up to 400 eggs in its lifetime. These eggs are laid either loosely in milled grains or in damaged grain kernels. Despite the threatening sounding name, the sawtoothed grain beetle does not normally feed on whole kernels. This beetle prefers milled products including breads, cereals, and pastas. |
How do sawtoothed grain beetles spread? |
Like most pantry pests, sawtoothed grain beetles enter your home through contaminated foodstuff products. In particular they are usually found stowed away in cereals, breads, or dried pastas. Since these beetles cannot fly, they are limited to a less rapid mechanism for travelling, which limits their spread between food sources. |
How can I identify sawtoothed grain beetles? |
Sawtoothed grain beetles are one of the most distinctive pantry pest that you may find in your cupboard. These beetles have a brown colored body that is 3 mm long. The distinctive features is on the beetle's thorax (the middle segment below the head). This part of its body features "saw" shaped protrusions. If you are having trouble identifying the beetle species, contact us for professional pest control service. |
How do I control sawtoothed grain beetles? |
Sawtoothed grain beetle can be controlled just like other pantry pests. At the first sign of a possible infestation, all possible food sources should be sealed in airtight plastic bags. These bags should be observed daily for several weeks. If any sawtoothed grain beetles are observed in the plastic bag, the item should be discarded immediately. Sawtoothed grain beetle will prosper in messy cupboards, especially with spilt flour, baking powder, or sugar. Cupboards should be cleaned regularly to reduce the food supply for these pests. If you are having difficulty managing sawtoothed beetles, call Nimby Pest Management today! |
1-888-681-6266 |