Most people consider the winter months to be a dormant time of year for pests. While this may be true for many outdoor insects and animals, many pests become more of a problem during the winter months. Mice and other rodents will often move indoors in search of food. In addition, they will burrow under the snow, causing damage to lawns when the spring arrives.
Holiday Activities
Our own cultural activities contribute to pest infestations in our homes during the winter months. The winter clothes we bring out of storage from attics, boxes, backs of closets, etc. may bring out clothes moths, silverfish, roaches, etc. Holiday materials bought at the store or brought out of storage may have been waiting for a year to be used. Christmas trees may have bark beetles, aphids, mites, etc. Also, other decorations you adorn the home with may have infestations.
The plants, you bring in from outside to protect from harsh weather often bring hitchhikers that are not wanted. The wood for your fireplace may carry beetles, termites, ants, roaches, centipedes, scorpions, earwigs, etc. as unwanted guests.
Checking your home thoroughly is the key to maintaining a pest free environment, and Nimby Pest Management will perform a thorough pest inspection during every visit.

Rats and mice have adapted to living in close association with humans, where they damage structures, chew wiring, eat and urinate on human and animal food, and carry many diseases. While these rodents are present around our homes throughout the year, they often become a problem in the fall and winter when they enter homes seeking warmth. Rats and mice do not differentiate economic level or status. They are good jumpers, climbers, swimmers and gnawers, which enable them better access to your home.
They rely predominantly on smell, taste, touch and hearing as opposed to vision. Rodents memorize specific pathways and use the same routes consistently. They are omnivorous, eating nearly any type of food, including dead and dying members of their own species.
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Realistically speaking bats are beneficial creatures. They eat up to 60% of their own body weight a day (a single bat can eat up to 3,000 insects, including mosquitoes, in one night). However, even though they are a benefit to our outdoor environment, they can become a very dangerous pest when they enter our homes or other buildings.
Property Damage
Bats like to live in attics, in building walls or in the space between the roof and ceiling. Their feces (bat droppings) cause terrible odours and can be a health risk to you and your family.
The longer a bat stays in a building, the greater the chances of breeding and infiltrating smaller spaces. Proper removal and cleanup may eventually involve ripping out drywall, sheathing and flooring.
*Note: Bat colonies double in size every year. Bats in Ontario tend to hibernate orgo back to the same property every year unless they are removed and excluded properly.
It is essential that you utilize a professional (Nimby Pest Management) when trying to exclude bats from your home or other building.
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Cockroaches are household pests throughout Ontario. Although cockroaches are sometimes associated with dirty dwellings, they are being discovered even in the "cleanest of homes." Cockroaches are one of the oldest of insects -- there are fossil remains of them dating back 200,000,000 years. They have survived such a long time because they have demonstrated outstanding ability to adapt to a wide range of habitats.
Cockroaches feed on a variety of foods, with a preference for starchy and sugary material. Cockroaches will sip milk, pop or beer left out or left in unrinsed bottles, nibble cheese, feed on meats, pastry, grain products, sugar -- practically all the foods that we eat. They will also feed freely on book bindings, sizing, innerlinings of shoe soles and dead insects. They carry debris on their legs and bodies and may spread germs and contaminate food. Cockroaches also give off an offensive odor that may ruin food, or may persist on dishes or other items the roaches run over. Cockroaches are not a problem that most individuals can solve on their own. Thus it is important to call in a NIMBY professional to handle the problem.
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