Rodentia is an order of mammals also known as rodents, characterised by two continuously-growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnawing. Below we have provided you with basic information on the most common Rodents in Ontario. For further information please drop us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">email or call us at 1-888-681-6266. |
Rodent Control Controlling rodents in and around your home is probably one of the greatest reasons NIMBY clients contact us. Rodents are crafty little creatures and are often fairly difficult for the average home or business owner to control. That's where NIMBY comes in! We have several methods of controlling a rodent population that can eliminate the current problem and also "exlude" other rodents from entering the area in the future. What animals are classified as Rodents? Rodents include the following animals:
Common Rodent Problems in Ontario: |
Squirrels Squirrels are furry rodents who survive mainly on nuts and grains. There are many species of squirrels, however most squirrels in southern Ontario are "Eastern Grey" type. Eastern Greys include the all black squirrels too - black or dark brown is just one colour they come in. Like all rodents, squirrels have sharp, strong teeth and powerful jaws that enable them to chew holes through most building materials and to get into buildings. Squirrels typically become a nuisance and cause damage when they get into attics or chew holes in roofs, eaves, gutters, and soffits. Squirrels can also create a fire hazard when they chew or gnaw on electrical wiring. In addition, squirrels' urine, droppings, shed hairs, and parasites also create a health hazard when they move into buildings; and dead squirrels' bodies can cause odors and serve as a breeding medium for flies when squirrels die in wall and ceiling voids, soffits, and other inaccessible areas. Signs that You May Have a Squirrel Problem
If you have any of the above signs it's best to call in a NIMBY professional to take care of the problem.
Mice You may see, hear or smell a mouse problem or see other evidence such as burrowing in insulation or soil or see the droppings. They are commonly heard in attics and will travel in the wall cavities to all parts of the house, especially to areas where food can be found. Mice are mostly nocturnal but may occasionally seen during daylight hours. You may hear them in the loft, particularly at night when it is quiet. Many people wonder what they eat in a loft space, they will eat spiders, woodlice & other insects as well as any air bourne seeds blown into the roof space. Why Hire a NIMBY Professional? Mice are extremely adaptable, changing there behaviour to fit in with the environment they are in. House mice consume food meant for humans or pets. They contaminate food-preparation surfaces with their feces, which can contain the bacterium that causes food poisoning (salmonellosis). Their constant gnawing causes damage to structures and property. Rodent damage to wiring has been known to start fires. The house mouse is considered one of the most troublesome and economically impactful pests in the North America. Ridding your home or business of mice requires comprehensive pest management best left to the professionals at NIMBY Pest Management.
Above: Vole damage "runways"
Voles and Vole Control
What exactly is a "Vole" and what is "Vole Control"? Most people go their whole lives without ever so much as hearing about "voles," let alone practicing vole control. To make matters worse, voles are sometimes referred to as "meadow mice" or "field mice." But when you discover vole damage in the lawn or garden around your home, you'll quickly learn that this is no "Mickey Mouse" pest control problem. Voles construct well-defined, visible tunnels, or "runways" at or near the surface, about two inches wide. Vole runways result from the voles eating the grass blades, as well as from the constant traffic of numerous little feet beating over the same path. And if any lawn and garden pest can literally “beat a path” through the grass due to their sheer numbers, it’s the voles. Since voles are not the only animal pests responsible for runways in lawn and garden areas, they are often confused with these other pests you'd like to get rid of – namely, moles. Because both moles and voles are rarely seen, it makes more sense to base identification on the signs they leave behind, rather than on how the animals look. After all, you may never come face to face with these furtive foes! Moles produce two types of runways in your yard. One runway runs just beneath the surface. These are feeding tunnels and appear as raised ridges running across your lawn. The second type of runway runs deeper and enables the moles to unite the feeding tunnels in a network. It is the soil excavated from the deep tunnels that homeowners find on their lawns, piled up in mounds that resemble little volcanoes. These mounds are a dead giveaway that your problem is not voles, but moles. Voles leave no mounds at all behind. Vole Control To control Vole problems in your yard it is essential that you hire a professional. Voles are extremely "tricky" little critters that can cause damage, and frustration! Your NIMBY professional will evaluate your problem and find the solution best suited to your situation. The most effective control techniques include traps, poisons and vole repellents. NIMBY will use traps specifically designed for killing voles.
Rats The most common type of rat found in Ontario is known as the Norway rat. This was accidentally introduced to North America by boats arriving from Europe. These rats are also called the brown rat, house rat, barn rat, sewer rat, and many other names. These rodents are found in and around homes, on farms and in warehouses. The rat is not a picky eater and will consume any type of garbage, will eat pet food, bird food, and more. The rat usually makes its nest at or near ground level. The nest may be made of ground up paper, cloth, leaves and other materials. Rat damage Rat damage consists of burrowing activity and gnawing. Rats will damage electrical, water pipes, insulation, walls, and almost anything the can get their teeth into. Rats also carry diseases including salmonellosis, leptospirosis and ratbite fever. How to get rid of rats In a commercial environment good sanitation practices coupled with continuing monitoring and baiting is necessary for proper rat control. The NIMBY Professional can inspect and determine the best possible way for rat eradication from your property.
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Our service area includes most of Southern Ontario and the GTA. We service Toronto, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Milton, Campbellville, Flamborough, Georgetown, Acton, Erin, Streetsville, Brampton, Kitchener, Cambridge and all towns located within the GTA.
Regardless of your location NIMBY's Mobile Pest Management Professionals will arrive promptly to your location to take care of your pest problems! |