Bird Control |
Managing Bird Populations at an Incompatible Land Use near an Airport |
Managing Airfield Bird Hazards using an Environmental Management System |
Airport Bird Hazard Risk Assessment Process |
Birdstrike - New Recommendations for DNA Sampling |
Integration and Validation of Networked Avian Radar (IVAR) |
Airport Bird Hazard Risk Assessment Process - Canada |
Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report |
Bald Eagles: A Threatened Species becomes a Threat to Aviation |
Products and Techniques for Airport Bird Control |
Bird Strike Design Issues for Engines with Obscured Fans |
Bird Strike Assessment Study |
Sharing the Skys - Transport Canada (LARGE 12 MB Download) |
Habitat Management for Cavity-Nesting Birds |
Habitat Management Guidelines for Ontario's Forests - Nesting Accipiters, Buteos and Eagles |
Habitat Management Guidelines for Waterfowl in Ontario |
Environment Canada - Proposals to Amend the Canadian Migratory Birds Regulations |
Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports |
Bird Control Products |
Nimby Bird Repellers, Devices and Aversions |
Nimby - Bird Slope - Specifications |
Bird Jolt FlatTrack - Bird Abatement System |
Nimby - Bird Spike 2000 |
Nimby - Bird Spike 2001 |
Nimby - Bird Net |
Nimby - Bird Wire |
Nimby - Electric Bird Abatement System |
Wildlife Control |
Certified Traps - AIHTS Implementation |
Traps - International Humane Trapping Standards |
Protecting your Family and Pets from Rabies (MNR) |
MNR Fact Sheet - Discouraging Raccoons From Moving In |
MNR Fact Sheet - Ontario Bats and Bat Control in Ontario |
MNR Fact Sheet - Bat Rabies - THE FACTS |
MNR - Backgrounder - Information on the Striped Skunk |
Southern Ontario - Strategy for Preventing and Managing Human-Deer Conflicts |
MNR - Backgrounder - Information on the Raccoon - Ontario |
MNR - Backgrounder - Rabies Symptoms and Treatments |
Deer Abatement |
Strategy for Preventing and Managing Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Ontario |
Effective Control of Rats and Mice |
Effective Control of Moles and Voles |
Pest Control |
Nimby Pest Management - Pre-treatment preparation for Bedbug Eradication |
(City of Toronto) Bedbug Fact Sheet |
(City of Toronto) Bed Bug Information for Landlords and Property Managers |
(City of Toronto) Bed Bug Issues in Toronto |
Avoiding Bed Bug Hitch Hikers |
Guide to Bedbug Control (Vancouver Costal Health) |
Pest Control Products Act |
Nimby Pest Management - Preparation for Cockroach Treatment |
Food Safety |
AIB Consolidated Standards for Food safety |
AIB Consolidated Standards for Food distribution centers |
AIB Consolidated Standards for Fresh Produce and Fruit Packing Houses |
AIB International Consolidated Standards for Grain Handling Facilities |
AIB Consolidated Standards for Beverage Plants |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Inspecting Facilities that Export Grains and Field Crops |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Food Safety Enhancement Program Manual |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Containment Standards - Facilities Handling Plant Pests |
Other |
Ontario Pesticides Act |