Nimby Wild, Pest Control and Environmental Solutions

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Wildlife Control Toronto and GTA

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Bedbug inspection, detection and control

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Mold and Asbestos Control and Removal

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Bird Control

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Insect Control Insect fumigation

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Container Fumigation, Bird Cannons, Pallet Treatments, Weed Control

FALL Pest Problems

SUMMER Pest Problems

24/7 Pest Control Service

Nimby Pest Management never closes. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Learn more...

Integrated Pest Management

Pest Management solutions that will keep you protected all year long. Learn more...

Pest Control Products

Need Pest Control Products? Shop Nimby online and protect your home or business from unwanted pests. Learn more...


Paul Adam

President - NIMBY Pest Management


Paul is the owner and operator of Nimby Pest Management. Paul is committed to customer satisfaction and will often personally visit your home or business. Personalized service is key to our business and Paul will always treat each customer with the utmost integrity. 

Paul brings many years experience working in the demanding and high profile world of Airport Wildlife Control. His experience and insight into the professional world of pest management allows Paul to diagnose and resolve most any situation. 

Paul is a tireless manager who continuously demands the best of himself, for his clients.



Company Policy and By-Laws:

NIMBY Wildlife and Pest Control will always conduct our business transactions with the utmost integrity

Our Commitment to our clients is always job one

NIMBY and all its operations will always comply with the Pest Control Products Act and the Regulations there under


NIMBY personnel are licensed in Ontario by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)

NIMBY will carry all required insurances under the regulations and will comply fully with all Occupational Health and Safety Standards and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board regulations

NIMBY vehicles will always be operated in a safe and courteous manner and shall be fully insured

NIMBY will keep management and staff trained by monthly in-house meetings, featuring the latest techniques and chemical applications methodology, biology and life histories of pest species as well as Health and Safety training

Through our suppliers and our in-house continued research, NIMBY will always be aware of any and all new methodology and chemicals and be able to immediately make them available to our clients

NIMBY will never make application of any pesticide which may in any way put any human, non target animal or any part of the natural environment in harms way

The Nimby Advantage

  • TRUE 24 hour service! Answered by a Nimby professional not an answering service.
  • Professionally trained pest and wildlife control workers.
  • Personalized service. We will tailor your pest or wildlife control measures to your individual situation.
  • The Nimby guarantee. We will ensure your 100% satisfaction every time.

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Pest Identification

There are literally thousands of pests that can infiltrate your home or business.  If you have a pest but are unsure what it is just give us a call and we'll come take a look.

About Nimby

N.I.M.B.Y. is an acronym for NOT IN MY BACKYARD. We know that unwanted pests are just that, unwanted. We will rid you of your pest problems safely and humanely without major disruptions to your normal routines. Our company is founded on a committed to customer satisfaction and the assurance that we will always treat each customer with the utmost integrity.

Nimby Education Centre

  • Airport bird hazard risk assessment process.
  • Nimby bird repellers, devices and aversion.
  • Certified traps - AIHTA Implementation.
  • Protecting your family and pets from rabies (MNR document).
  • Bedbug fact sheet (City of Toronto)
  • Avoiding bedbug hitch hickers.
  • Pest Control Products Act.
  • Nimby Fact Sheet - Preparation for Cockroach Treatment.
  • Ontario Pesticides Act.

We Control:

Ants, Ant nests, Ask the experts, Bats, Beatles, Bedbugs, Bees, Bee Stings, Birds, Booklouse, Box Elder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpet Beetles, Canadian Pest Management Association, Carpenter ant photos, Carpet beetles, Centipedes, Choosing a pro, Clothes moths, Clover Mites, Cockroaches, Controlling pests, Crows, Finding a Pro, Fleas, Flies, Gnats, Grain beetles, Geese, Gulls, Hantavirus, Home page, Index page, Insects, I.P.M. , Ladybugs, Mice, Millipedes, Moles, Moths, Mold, Other pests, Pantry Pests, Pest pro Associations, Pharaoh Ants, Phorid Flies, Pigeons, Pill Bugs, Powder post beetles, Psocid, Raccoons, Rats, Real Estate & Pests, Red-winged Blackbird, Rodents, Sea-gulls, Skunks, Spiders, Snakes, Sow Bugs, Starlings, Supplies for pest control, Termites, Wasps, Wasp Stings, Wasp Traps, Weevils, Wildlife pests, Wildlife control products

Service Areas

Nimby Pest Management offers Wildlife, Pest, Bird and Animal Control and Control and Removal throughout Ontario. Our Bird Control and Animal Control Services are available in Acton, Ajax, Barrie, Brampton, Burlington, Caledon, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Markham, Milton, Mississauga, Newmarket, Niagara Region, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Peterborough, Richmond Hill, St. Catharines, Scarborough, Toronto-Central West, Toronto-Central East, Toronto-Etobicoke, Toronto North York, Vaughan, and Whitby. We also serve all Canadian Provinces and most of the U.S. Please contact us for more information.