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Insect Control Insect fumigation

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Container Fumigation, Bird Cannons, Pallet Treatments, Weed Control

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Insect Control


Interesting Fact:  The word PEST comes from the Latin word “pestis” which includes an animal or plant that occurs in such abundance as to present a distinct threat, economically or medically to man or his interest.

Interesting Fact:  The word INSECT comes from the Latin word "insectum" meaning "segmented" or "cut up".  This is due to the fact that an insect's body is divided into several parts.

Currently there are approximately 1,000,000 different known insects in the world. These can be divided into 31 orders.

Below we have provided you with basic information on the most common Insects in Ontario.  For further information please drop us an email or call us at 1-888-681-6266.

Insect Control

While many insects become "Pests" in the summer months insects are capable of causing havoc throughout the entire year.  Controlling insects in and around your requires the use of a professional in order to correctly identify the problem and find the appropriate safe and effective means of controlling the problem. 

We have several methods of controlling an insect population.  The most common methods used are:  Spraying, trapping, luring, monitoring, steam and pheromones.

Which pests are classified as insects?  Below are just a few of the

insects that NIMBY Pest Management Controls:

Carpenter Ants Wasps Bedbugs
Bedbugs Carpenter Bees Centipedes
Cockroaches Millipedes Pillbugs
Spiders Fruit Flies Dust mites


Common  Problem Insects in Ontario:

Insect Control



Carpenter Ants


Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are quite common in Ontario and are normally about 4 to 7 millimeters in length.  They are usually shiny, jet black in color with some variations of reddish brown. This species does substantial structural damage when they infest a home. They don't eat the wood but hollow it out for nesting purposes. When these ants are seen in or around a structure it is definitely time to call the professionals at NIMBY Pest Management.

These ants are primarily nocturnal and feed actively from sunset to sunrise on other insects and plant foods. The main colony with the queen is usually found in trees, stumps, railroad ties, etc. and nests found in homes are satellites of this primary colony nest. Workers will forage 100 metres or more from these primary and satellite nests for food and water sources. They are attracted to decaying wood, but will readily infest sound wood as well to suit their needs.

If you have any of the above signs it's best to call in a NIMBYprofessional to take care of the problem.





Wasps, Hornets, Yellowjackets

Throughout Ontario, Canada and the United States wasps are seen in many types and sizes. Typically however, those of greatest concern are the yellowjackets and hornets.  This is due to their stinging habits and ability to pose as a great nuisance to home and business owners. 


Yellowjackets are dangerous when encountered around homes and buildings. Nests are often located underground in an old rodent burrow, beneath a landscape timber, or in a rock wall or wall of a building. If the nest can be located, it can usually be eliminated by carefully applying a wasp spray insecticide into the nest opening.

All wasps will defend their nests, but the Yellow Jackets and hornets are the most aggressive. They can be distinguished from bees by their thin "waists" (Bees are thick-waisted.) They fold their wings lengthwise when at rest. The yellow jacket colony will remain active for only one summer, after which the queens will fly away to start more colonies. The remaining ones, die at the end of the summer, the nest is not reused. 

Paper Wasps or Umbrella Wasp

Paper wasps, hornets and yellowjackets construct nests of a paper-like material which is a mixture of finely chewed wood fragments and salivary secretions of the wasps. Paper wasps typically build their umbrella-shaped nests under eaves and ledges.


Bald Faced Hornets are far more difficult and dangerous to control than paper wasps. The nests resemble a large, inverted tear-drop shaped ball which typically is attached to a tree, bush or side of a building. Bald Faced Hornet nests may contain thousands of wasps (they are a wasp) which are extremely aggressive when disturbed. The nests are often located out of reach and removal is best accomplished by a professional pest control firm.


Controlling wasp and hornet populations can be both frustrating and difficult.  While over-the-counter sprays may offer temporary relief complete control is best left up to the professionals at NIMBY Pest Management.  We will ensure that your home or business is free from wasp and/or hornet problems.





SUPER-HEATED STEAM TECHNOLOGY - Ask about ourChemical Free pest management technology.  Using super-heated steam technology and the use of dry-steam vapour we can clean, sanitize and kill many pests including bedbugs, dust mites, fleas, carpet beetles, fruit flies and more!

Click here for more info!




In most parts of the Canada the bed bug of greatest prevalence to humans is the Cimex lectularius. Bed bugs of this species feed on blood, mostly from people (although they can also feed on your pets.)  They will usually hide during the daytime in the seams of mattresses or on bed frames and come out at night to feed.  To rid your home of bedbugs the process is often complex and will usually require the services of a professional.  NIMBY Pest Management will help you easily solve this problem.

Bed bugs have a sharp beak that it uses to pierce the skin of the host. It then begins feeding, injecting a fluid which helps in obtaining food. This fluid causes the skin to become swollen and itchy. Where infestations are severe one may detect an offensive odor that comes from an oily liquid the bugs emit.

Treating your mattress with superheated steam kills all bedbugs and their eggs, also any minute fungi and/or germs which could be growing in seams and undersides of your mattresses.


Carpenter Bees


Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees in both size and appearance, but are not bumblebees. They are solitary insects that do not have nests or hives like social bees and wasps.

They are a pest mainly due to the fact that a female bee will burrow into sound wood  to construct it egg-laying tubes  in the framework of buildings, sometimes making tunnels as long as 2 to 3 feet in length. The tunnels will be sectioned off into egg cavities and filled with nutrients for the new hatchlings when they emerge. If you see a number of large bees hovering near the eaves of the house or drilling completely round holes into wood, you have carpenter bees.

The male bee is unable to sting but it is the male carpenter bee which is most often noticed. They hover in the vicinity of the female as she “drills” the wood and will dart after any other flying insect that ventures into their territory.

While the damage to wood from the drilling activities of a single bee is slight, the subsequent year's activities (and the effects of our weather in Canada) will expand the tunnel through branching activities and may cause considerable structural damage. Additionally, they will commonly defecate on the wall or other item directly below the opening causing stains.  Taking care of your home and ensuring the carpenter bees are removed safely is best left to the professionals at NIMBY Pest Management



The house centipede

Unlike most other centipedes that normally live outdoors, can live indoors especially in damp, moist basements, cellars, bathrooms, crawlspaces or unexcavated areas under the house. They are sometimes seen running rapidly across the floor with great speed, stopping suddenly to remain motionless and then resuming fast movements, occasionally directly toward the homeowner in an attempt to conceal themselves in their clothing. They have a "fearful" appearance but cause no damage to the structure, household possessions or foods. Some can bite when handled carelessly, resulting in a slight swelling or pain no worse than a mild bee sting. 

Centipedes, or "hundred-legged worms," are reddish-brown, flattened, elongated animals with many segments, most of which have 1 pair of legs. The first pair of legs is modified into poisonous jaws located below the mouth. Antennae have 14 or more segments. The house centipede is grayish-yellow with 3 dark, long stripes down the back with the legs encircled with alternating dark and white bands. The actual body length is an inch or slightly longer (wormlike), surrounded with 15 pairs of very long legs making the creature appear much larger. The last pair of legs is more than twice the body length of the female. A pair of very long slender antennae extends forward from the head. They move quickly and are sometimes mistaken for long-legged spiders. Other centipedes, found outdoors, often are more elongate with shorter legs and antennae. 

Control Measures
NIMBY Pest Management will use a variety of measures to control centipedes including insecticides.  We will also utilize our Steam Pest Management to kill Centipedes.  For more information on our Steam Pest Management please click here>





Cockroaches are household pests throughout the Ontario. Although cockroaches are sometimes associated with dirty dwellings, they are being discovered even in the "cleanest of homes." Cockroaches are one of the oldest of insects -- there are fossil remains of them dating back 200,000,000 years. They have survived such a long time because they have demonstrated outstanding ability to adapt to a wide range of habitats.

Cockroaches feed on a variety if foods, with a preference for starchy and sugary material. Cockroaches will sip milk, pop or beer left out or left in unrinsed bottles, nibble cheese, feed on meats, pastry, grain products, sugar -- practically all the foods that we eat. They will also feed freely on book bindings, sizing, innerlinings of shoe soles and dead insects. They carry debris on their legs and bodies and may spread germs and contaminate food. Cockroaches also give off an offensive odor that may ruin food, or may persist on dishes or other items the roaches run over.  Cockroaches are not a problem that most individuals can solve on their own.  Thus it is important to call in a NIMBY professional to handle the problem.




As a household pest, millipedes are more of an annoyance or nuisance, rather than an indoor-breeding pest that causes destruction. Millipedes normally are found outdoors where they feed on damp and decaying wood, organic material, and will also feed on tender roots and green leaves that have fallen to the ground. This occasional invader has two pair of legs per body segment (as compared to the centipede, which has one pair per segment,) except for the first three segments which have one pair of legs per segment. 

Millipedes are not poisonous, but many species have repugnatorial glands capable of producing mild acids which may produce allergenic reactions in sensitive individuals. There are at least 1,000 species of millipedes in the United States, a few of which are capable of squirting their unpleasant fluids over a distance of several inches. Persons handling millipedes will notice a lingering odor on their hands and the fluid can be dangerous to the eyes.

Control Measures
NIMBY Pest Management will use a variety of measures to control centipedes including insecticides.  We will also utilize our Steam Pest Management to kill Centipedes.  For more information on our Steam Pest Management please click here>




Pillbugs (Armadillidium vulgare)are commonly found in home gardens across the Canada.  Also known as sowbugs (Porcellio scaber) pillbugs  will feed primarily on decaying matter and are important in the decomposition process. However, if present in large numbers, they have been known to feed on seedlings, new roots, lower leaves, and fruits or vegetables laying directly on the soil. This is where problems develop and a NIMBY Pest Management Professional may be required.

These small scavengers scurry when disturbed and are often found outside hiding under leaves, rocks, garden debris, mulch and other dark, damp areas. Occasionally they will enter homes as accidental invaders. Indoors they are usually just a nuisance as they cannot survive for more than a day or two without water.




While Ontario is home to a large variety of arachnoids (spiders) the large majority do not pose health risks to humans.  The two most worrisome are the the Brown Recluse (at right) and the Black Widow.  Yes, that's right, the Black Widow is common to Ontario. 

The female Black Widow has a shiny black, globular abdomen with two yellow or red markings in a triangle shape. It looks like a hourglass. Males are smaller, lighter in color, with light streaks on the abdomen. The web is irregular, many times found along exterior foundations on slabs, under stones and rocks, behind shrubs . They will bite if provoked. The bite feels like a sharp pain ,like a needle puncture. After 15 minutes to an hour there will be muscular cramps. Bites are rarely fatal, but you should seek medical attention.

The Brown Recluse has a body that is yellow to dark brown and is usually 2 to 4 cm long. Combined with the legs it could be about 6 cm or longer in diameter .  The dorsal has a dark brown violin shaped marking, very distinctive. Their web is off white to Grey .  They can be found outside, under rocks, debris, wood piles, etc. ,but many times are found inside. They can be found in storage areas like closets, basements, attics, garages and cellars. Sometimes they can be around above the ceiling duct work or register. Many times people get bit by putting their hands or feet in something that has been in storage.  The initial bite is not intense, but poisonous. After 8-12 hours, the pain is more intense, and over the next few days large sores form leaving a disfiguring scar. You should seek immediate medical treatment after the bite.

It is highly recommended that you seek professional assistance from a NIMBY Pest Management Professional when ridding yourself of these insects.

Fruit Flies


Fruit Flies

Possibly one of the most "pesty" insects is the common household fruit fly.  Fruit flies (Drosophila) are generally brought in with fruit you purchase from the grocery store. They are also attracted to any fermentation process, such as coke syrup, garbage or rotting foods. Fruit flies are also attracted to vinegar and wine, a good test you can use to see if it’s fruit flies you are having a problem with. They also have red eyes, often easy to see.

Although there are many store-bought products that claim to control fruit flies, the only method of elimination is to attack them at their source.  A trained Pest Control expert will find and eliminate fruit flies from your home or business.  Contact the experts atNIMBY Pest Management to control these common household insects.

Dust mites


SUPER-HEATED STEAM TECHNOLOGY - Ask about ourChemical Free pest management technology.  Using super-heated steam technology and the use of dry-steam vapour we can clean, sanitize and kill many pests including bedbugs, dust mites, fleas, carpet beetles, fruit flies and more!

Click here for more info!

Dust Mites

Due to their small size dust mites are normally invisible to the naked eye.  They commonly live in bedding, particularly in your mattresses, but also chairs, couches, carpets, stuffed toys and old clothing.  They like to feed on the dead skin that falls of the bodies of humans and animals.

Dust mites are common in many homes but are most often noticed by those with allergies to the dust mites.  In terms of allergens they are second only to pollen in causing allergic reactions.  As dust mites grow, they shed their skin. The shed skin and feces are what cause allergic reactions in people. Allergic reactions range from itchy noses and eyes to severe asthma attacks.

Treating your mattress with superheated steam kills all dust mites and their eggs, also any minute fungi and/or germs which could be growing in seams and undersides of your mattresses. Your NIMBYProfessional will then deep extract the dead particulate with a HEPA Vacuum to leave your mattresses allergen free, clean and sanitized.


We offer pest bird control services all over the Canada.  Our Bird Control and Animal Control Services are available in Acton, Ajax, Barrie, Brampton, Burlington, Caledon, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Markham, Milton, Mississauga, Newmarket, Niagara Region, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Peterborough, Richmond Hill, St. Catharines, Scarborough, Toronto-Central West, Toronto-Central East, Toronto-Etobicoke, Toronto North York, Vaughan, and Whitby. We also serve all Canadian Provinces and most of the U.S.  Please contact us for more information.

The Nimby Advantage

  • TRUE 24 hour service! Answered by a Nimby professional not an answering service.
  • Professionally trained pest and wildlife control workers.
  • Personalized service. We will tailor your pest or wildlife control measures to your individual situation.
  • The Nimby guarantee. We will ensure your 100% satisfaction every time.

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Pest Identification

There are literally thousands of pests that can infiltrate your home or business.  If you have a pest but are unsure what it is just give us a call and we'll come take a look.

About Nimby

N.I.M.B.Y. is an acronym for NOT IN MY BACKYARD. We know that unwanted pests are just that, unwanted. We will rid you of your pest problems safely and humanely without major disruptions to your normal routines. Our company is founded on a committed to customer satisfaction and the assurance that we will always treat each customer with the utmost integrity.

Nimby Education Centre

  • Airport bird hazard risk assessment process.
  • Nimby bird repellers, devices and aversion.
  • Certified traps - AIHTA Implementation.
  • Protecting your family and pets from rabies (MNR document).
  • Bedbug fact sheet (City of Toronto)
  • Avoiding bedbug hitch hickers.
  • Pest Control Products Act.
  • Nimby Fact Sheet - Preparation for Cockroach Treatment.
  • Ontario Pesticides Act.

We Control:

Ants, Ant nests, Ask the experts, Bats, Beatles, Bedbugs, Bees, Bee Stings, Birds, Booklouse, Box Elder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpet Beetles, Canadian Pest Management Association, Carpenter ant photos, Carpet beetles, Centipedes, Choosing a pro, Clothes moths, Clover Mites, Cockroaches, Controlling pests, Crows, Finding a Pro, Fleas, Flies, Gnats, Grain beetles, Geese, Gulls, Hantavirus, Home page, Index page, Insects, I.P.M. , Ladybugs, Mice, Millipedes, Moles, Moths, Mold, Other pests, Pantry Pests, Pest pro Associations, Pharaoh Ants, Phorid Flies, Pigeons, Pill Bugs, Powder post beetles, Psocid, Raccoons, Rats, Real Estate & Pests, Red-winged Blackbird, Rodents, Sea-gulls, Skunks, Spiders, Snakes, Sow Bugs, Starlings, Supplies for pest control, Termites, Wasps, Wasp Stings, Wasp Traps, Weevils, Wildlife pests, Wildlife control products

Service Areas

Nimby Pest Management offers Wildlife, Pest, Bird and Animal Control and Control and Removal throughout Ontario. Our Bird Control and Animal Control Services are available in Acton, Ajax, Barrie, Brampton, Burlington, Caledon, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Markham, Milton, Mississauga, Newmarket, Niagara Region, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Peterborough, Richmond Hill, St. Catharines, Scarborough, Toronto-Central West, Toronto-Central East, Toronto-Etobicoke, Toronto North York, Vaughan, and Whitby. We also serve all Canadian Provinces and most of the U.S. Please contact us for more information.