Integrated Pest Management Overview
Integrated pest management or IPM refers to an efficient as well as environmentally conscious approach to pest-control, which depends on the aggregation of sensible practices. IPM programs make use of up-to-date, comprehensive information concerning the life-cycles of pests plus the way they interact with their immediate surroundings and the environment as a whole. Such information in addition with available pest-control strategies, is made use of in managing pest damage in the most economically viable means, which also has the benefit of causing the least likely danger to property, people, and of course the environment.
Now this IPM approach to pest-control can be used in agricultural as well as in non-agricultural settings, like in the garden, home, and even the workplace. It is an approach that is open to utilizing any appropriate pest control/management option, which includes, but is not restricted to suitable pesticide usage. In contrast to this, organic food production, which makes use of a lot of the IPM concepts, restricts pesticide use to the ones produced by natural means only and rejects synthetic chemical pesticides.
IPM Tenets
An IPM system can be said to be based on these 6 fundamental components:
IPM program approach
Based on the afore-mentioned tenets, IPM follows these four steps listed below in its practice.
Before any action regarding pest control is taken, IPM first defines an action borderline, a level, which the population of pest/unwanted animals or environment conditions show that action regarding pest control needs to be taken. Seeing just one pest is not always a condition that means control is required.
Not every insect, weed, as well as every other living organism needs control. A lot of organisms are simply harmless and so beneficial. This is why IPM programs strive to watch over pests and accurately identify them. So that ideal control conclusions can be drawn together with action borderlines. This monitoring plus identification ensures that pesticides are made use of at appropriate times and that wrong pesticides are not made use of.
IPM programs as an initial line of defence or pest control manage the crop, indoor space, or lawn, so as to disallow pests from gaining a threat status. This may amount to making use of cultural methods, like rotating between various crops, planting rootstock that is pest-free among others.
Okay if monitoring, identification, plus action borderlines point to the required need for pest control, with preventive measures not being available or effective any longer, IPM programs will then determine what proper control strategy to make use of in the light of effectiveness as well as risk. After which, once again the whole gamut of monitoring, identification plus establishing action borderlines is carried out to determine effectiveness. If this reveals that this is not working, then further control methods are employed like target spraying of the concerned pesticides.
Nimby Wildlife and Pest Control is an integrated pest management company.
EPA: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Principles
Wikipedia: Integrated Pest Management
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Nimby Pest Management offers Wildlife, Pest, Bird and Animal Control and Control and Removal throughout Ontario. Our Bird Control and Animal Control Services are available in Acton, Ajax, Barrie, Brampton, Burlington, Caledon, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Markham, Milton, Mississauga, Newmarket, Niagara Region, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Peterborough, Richmond Hill, St. Catharines, Scarborough, Toronto-Central West, Toronto-Central East, Toronto-Etobicoke, Toronto North York, Vaughan, and Whitby. We also serve all Canadian Provinces and most of the U.S. Please contact us for more information.