Nimby Wild, Pest Control and Environmental Solutions

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Wildlife Control Toronto and GTA

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Bedbug inspection, detection and control

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Mold and Asbestos Control and Removal

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Bird Control

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Insect Control Insect fumigation

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Container Fumigation, Bird Cannons, Pallet Treatments, Weed Control

FALL Pest Problems

SUMMER Pest Problems

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Pest Control Products

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Spring Pests



Every spring, you should check your home's foundation for cracks and holes. If you find any, you need to repair these areas to prevent pests from entering the home. Even the smallest hole or crack will allow pests to enter your home.

You should also check the exterior of the property to make sure you do not have wood sitting directly on the ground or any materials that could attract rodents, insects or other annoying critters.

Look for gaps in windows, doorframes and any holes in screens. Any flaw in your home’s exterior or surrounding property should be corrected immediately. If you want to prevent spiders or ants from entering your home, preventive pest control needs to be done.

Nimby Pest Management can help stop future infestations. Have Nimby Professional come to your home and inspect the exterior and interior. We can recommend a pesticide for outside the home’s foundation that can prevent certain insects from entering. Pesticides are best to be left to a trained professional as they can be dangerous to family members and pets if not applied in an appropriate manner.

You need to have a professional exterminator that works with pesticides and has the training needed to protect you and the environment when using the pesticides.


Cluster Flies


The cluster fly is slightly larger than the common house fly. There are no distinct lines or stripes behind the head, and the abdomen has irregular light and dark gray areas. Adult flies of the last generation of the year become numerous during the latter days of September to mid-October. As cold 
weather progresses, adults seek protected places to spend the winter. In many cases, this is within walls, attics, storage rooms, and basements of houses. 

The female lays eggs in the soil near the burrows of earthworms. The tiny maggots that hatch from the eggs seek out earthworms to feed upon. The maggots of cluster flies have never been reared on any other food but living earthworms. When full grown, the parasitic maggot leaves the body of the 
host and enters the soil. There are about four generations a year. 

Prevention of cluster fly infestations is very difficult, and is best left to a Pest Control Professional from NIMBY.

*Call us today or">email us for free consultation.  1-888-681-6266

Mice, Moles and Voles


Rodents such Moles, Voles, Mice and Rats will breed from early spring through to the fall.  Each rodent my have between 4 and 6 offspring at a time with several litters per season.  During the spring rodents will become very active and often venture into areas that come into direct contact with humans in their search for food for their young.  Controlling them in and around your home is probably one of the greatest reasons NIMBY clients contact us.  Rodents are crafty little creatures and are often fairly difficult for the average home or business owner to control.  That's where NIMBY comes in!  We have several methods of controlling a rodent population that can eliminate the current problem and also "exlude" other rodents from entering the area in the future. 

For more information on Rodent Control please visit our Rodent Control page.

*Call us today or">email us for free consultation.  1-888-681-6266



During early spring all varieties of ants found in Ontario will once again become active as they forage for food.  The nests in and around your home or business are already bustling with activity!  That's why the best pest control is preventative pest control.  Now is the time to take a proactive approach to your pest control needs.  Contact NIMBY today to set up an appointment for a free consultation.

For more information on Ants please visit our Ant Control page.

*Call us today or">email us for free consultation.  1-888-681-6266


raccoons 1

As with most animals, Raccoons will begin breeding in late January or early February most areas of Canada, particularly in Ontario. With a gestation period of approximately 63 days (2 months) the birth of Raccoon offspring will generally take place anywhere from early April to late May.  This is the time that Raccoons will become more of a problem as they look for food for their young.  They will often break into homes looking for a safe, comfortable place to have their young.  The damage caused by raccoons can often reach into the thousands as they destroy siding, roofing and other parts of your home.  They are very smart creatures and will cause numerous problems for homeowners.  Control is extremely frustrating for the average homeowner and requires the expertise of a Pest Control Professional to ensure they do not come back.  

*Call us today or">email us for free consultation.  1-888-681-6266

The Nimby Advantage

  • TRUE 24 hour service! Answered by a Nimby professional not an answering service.
  • Professionally trained pest and wildlife control workers.
  • Personalized service. We will tailor your pest or wildlife control measures to your individual situation.
  • The Nimby guarantee. We will ensure your 100% satisfaction every time.

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Pest Identification

There are literally thousands of pests that can infiltrate your home or business.  If you have a pest but are unsure what it is just give us a call and we'll come take a look.

About Nimby

N.I.M.B.Y. is an acronym for NOT IN MY BACKYARD. We know that unwanted pests are just that, unwanted. We will rid you of your pest problems safely and humanely without major disruptions to your normal routines. Our company is founded on a committed to customer satisfaction and the assurance that we will always treat each customer with the utmost integrity.

Nimby Education Centre

  • Airport bird hazard risk assessment process.
  • Nimby bird repellers, devices and aversion.
  • Certified traps - AIHTA Implementation.
  • Protecting your family and pets from rabies (MNR document).
  • Bedbug fact sheet (City of Toronto)
  • Avoiding bedbug hitch hickers.
  • Pest Control Products Act.
  • Nimby Fact Sheet - Preparation for Cockroach Treatment.
  • Ontario Pesticides Act.

We Control:

Ants, Ant nests, Ask the experts, Bats, Beatles, Bedbugs, Bees, Bee Stings, Birds, Booklouse, Box Elder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpet Beetles, Canadian Pest Management Association, Carpenter ant photos, Carpet beetles, Centipedes, Choosing a pro, Clothes moths, Clover Mites, Cockroaches, Controlling pests, Crows, Finding a Pro, Fleas, Flies, Gnats, Grain beetles, Geese, Gulls, Hantavirus, Home page, Index page, Insects, I.P.M. , Ladybugs, Mice, Millipedes, Moles, Moths, Mold, Other pests, Pantry Pests, Pest pro Associations, Pharaoh Ants, Phorid Flies, Pigeons, Pill Bugs, Powder post beetles, Psocid, Raccoons, Rats, Real Estate & Pests, Red-winged Blackbird, Rodents, Sea-gulls, Skunks, Spiders, Snakes, Sow Bugs, Starlings, Supplies for pest control, Termites, Wasps, Wasp Stings, Wasp Traps, Weevils, Wildlife pests, Wildlife control products

Service Areas

Nimby Pest Management offers Wildlife, Pest, Bird and Animal Control and Control and Removal throughout Ontario. Our Bird Control and Animal Control Services are available in Acton, Ajax, Barrie, Brampton, Burlington, Caledon, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Markham, Milton, Mississauga, Newmarket, Niagara Region, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Peterborough, Richmond Hill, St. Catharines, Scarborough, Toronto-Central West, Toronto-Central East, Toronto-Etobicoke, Toronto North York, Vaughan, and Whitby. We also serve all Canadian Provinces and most of the U.S. Please contact us for more information.